
Managing Partner at ВКМР LEGAL explained to VEDOMOSTI what the lack of competition in the energy market may entail.

Leningrad Region power grid companies face tariff control irregularities.

The region is facing a disproportion between the costs budgeted by companies as expenditures to provide electricity transmission services. According to experts, it may end up with billions of expenditures for the state budget.

Pavel Bulgakov, a Managing Partner at ВКМР LEGAL and Head of its Antitrust Practice, explained to VEDOMOSTI what the lack of competition in the energy market may entail.

Any lack of competition entails a number of adverse consequences.

“The energy market is no exception. It is advisable to have several major players in place to maintain a stable format of competitive relations in the power grid market of each region, including the Leningrad Region. In the local context, the situation must be addressed in such a way that a fair redistribution and healthy competition among the most important market players are ensured”, he said.

The full version of the article is available on Vedomosti’s website